Slobster weather

 Latitude N 51° 04' 48"    Longitude E 01° 08' 48"    Elevation 104 ft

Welcome to Sandgate, The Riviera on the Napoleonic Coast.

The weather station in use is the WH1080 Touch Screen Weather Station from Fine Offset.

The webcam picture should only be a few minutes old, if not the webcam is offline.

I experimented with a live feed webcam, but is currently offline until I get to grips with it.

To receive hourly weather condition updates:

Follow @SlobsterUK

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Page updated 24/12/2011 02:03:54
powered by Cumulus v1.9.2 (1023)

Weather Underground PWS IKENTFOL9

24hr Timelapse: Last 24 Hours.

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